Notes & Combos
I have no TCG or OCG experience so I can't say that my ratios are good.
Not a fan of running 3 Extrav so I subbed it with a Jack-in-the-hand. Maxx "C" with no Nib / handtrap payoff seems weird but most Tear players I've played against don't seem to care (?) and you can Maxx "C" on your turn against them which can help you unbrick.
Most Ishizu Tear decks I've met on ladder only end on 1 Cryme as their S/T negate so try to bait it before equalizing with Evenly / boardwipes. Advent can also be used to dodge either Dragos or Sulliek so try to hold on to it.
Feather Storm is a sacky 1 off that can win you the game on its own by virtue of looping it with Raiza. DRNM doesn't see much use against Tear so I took them out for Raigeki + Lightning Storm.
I've tried running either 2 Dreaming Town or 2 Unexplored Winds during both DC and the current meta and I feel that having an extra Unexplored can put a bit more pressure but neither really stands out.
Ishizu millers are your WORST enemies since they can mill all the big birds or Stri+Toccan before you get a chance to search them but I WOULDN'T recommend running the shufflers just to counter this since our deck is bricky as is.