Notes & Combos
Enjoy playing against: Pure/Twin Spright, Sky-Strikers, Swordsoul, Exosister, Rogue
Neutral against: Floowandereeze, Despia, Labrynth
Dislike playing against: Runick, Mathmech, Adamancipator
OTK with Gren Maju or Numeron Dragon with supporting backrow and monster removal. Due to the nature of the game OTKing with Gren and 100 is difficult, which is why Zeus, Chengying and Baronne are strong alternative plays. Drawing a Plaguespreader usually leads to both Chengying and Baronne on the field.
Triple Tactics steps up the drawing power of this deck a lot and balances out a negated Trade-In (worst thing in the world). It also lets you guarentee a lethal by taking an Veiler or Imperm out of a hand.
Thunderbird is just worse than Bigfoot which is why it's at 2. It's sometimes bricky and always sends itself to the grave as Masterduel's randomiser sucks!
The single D.D. Crow just helps against the Mathmech matchup and acts as a 3rd Called by.
Phoenix is a good generic card which has it's uses more often than you'd think, mainly good to out Iblee and used to get Gizmek off the field to resummon it again (situations when it's summoned the previous turn).
The Galaxy-Eyes Xyz package can definitely be replaced with other extra deck monsters, this is just my personal preference (I always banish them for Eater of Millions anyways).
Hovered around Diamond 2 for past seasons and unable to reach Diamond 1, but in the current meta this deck plays strong against the Spright and Exosister match-ups!
Deck is 47 cards as I find it as a good balance between consistency and not decking myself out.