
Duelist Cup DLv. Max from on October 26th, 2023
cp-ur 810 + cp-sr 540
41 cards

Notes & Combos

I took inspiration form BeGe's Decklist.

I actually think Maxx "C" is not great in Traptrix, because

  1. You can't play many handtraps.
  2. You aren't like likely to draw into more handtraps.

You could also play 3 droll, 3 ash or 3 Imperm but everything at 2 didn't feel bad. But I also wanted to play some boardbreakers, because going 2nd with this deck is rough.

You also need to play outs for Kashtira and Purrely, so I didn't find space for Parallel eXceed.

2 Floodate traphole is the way in Kashtira format, because it can end their turn isntantly, if they doen't have an extender. And that actually happened a lot.

Vesiculo is a very nice extender and she doesn't lock u into plant or Insect monsters. She saved me many times.

I:P and unicorn aren't needed, but they came up sometimes. They are even better if u play Parallel eXceed. If your oponent negates your Parallel eXceed it just lies on the board doing nothing and sometimes you have another traptrix monster to go into I:P. But these 2 are flex spots. You could also play Aussa to revive Maxx "C" to go into Atypus or summon Fenrir from your oponents graveyard to have it as another interruption.

I chose to play Borrelsword, because Traptrix has problem with high attck monsters and even with Atypus wasn't enough to get over everything. It also is a convinient way to finish games.

You could play 2 Pinguicula but both at 1 are also fine. There were some situations where I missed the 2nd Pinguicula, but I didn't have enough UR points to craft a 2nd one. 2nd Rafflesia sometimes comes up in the grindgame.

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