Notes & Combos
Quick adjustment of the list used from the event earlier in the month, seeing as the deck was untouched save for the link monsters and some staples.
I found more success with the going first list, but wanted to switch it up.
The deck is cheap save for the staples and exodia package. You can cut the board breaker staples like Raigeki and HFD.
The superpoly package never came up once. Nothing really else to put in the extra deck anyway, so no harm no foul. Synchros didn't either. Most duels ended within two turns with how powerful the board control potential is with this deck.
Faced Tearlaments, White Forest, Branded, and Witchcrafters, if you can go first or properly use handtraps going second, you can easily take games off of them with how OTK heavy Exodia is.