Notes & Combos
The larger Bystial engine is actually pretty nice. Regained will return your fuser tear girls if they get banished. Bys Lube is limited to 1 in the event, but LS Tear can still access the engine by randomly milling a Saronir. Similary, Cryme is important to get back your banished Tears.
At the start of the event, I tried a tear build with no LS, and with handtraps like droll, ash, veiler. It didn't work that well for me. Once I tried this full-gas approach, I felt no need to switch back.
I also tried lv2 tuners via Ready Fusion, Plaguespreader, and Ringowurm. However, they're probably outclassed by Revolution Synchron.
Out of the lv10 synchros, only Chaos Angel came up in my streak so far. Keep only Angel and Baronne. Replace the other 2 with: more lv8s like Psyframe Omega, or a 2nd copy of Chaos Angel, alternative Lv12s, some lv7s, or more S-Poly targets.
VS Matt: Earthbound loaner. I got imperm'd t1 and passed on a weak board, which got fully destroyed. Comeback from almost nothing.
VS Luca1337: Heroes. I had to gamble by banishing my own fuser in hand. Then I played through Forbidden Droplet. This showcases Amritara as both an endboard piece and a finisher tool.
VS HssD: Branded. I got droll'd t1 but it turned into a grindy game. Sub-optimal plays because low on timer.
VS Blackdragon: Heroes. I went 2nd.