
Legend Anthology from on February 19th, 2025
cp-ur 450 + cp-sr 420
40 cards

Notes & Combos

Best deck of the format and it isn't even close. People just aren't playing it because it's expensive or don't know about it. Turn 1 board is boarderline unbeatable if you go full combo so I mostly teched for going second which was slightly harder. I only lost 4 times throughout the whole thing, 2 of them were bricks, 1 of them was the opponent drawing 2 veiler, Ankh and also the one of trap and the 4th was getting sacked by ancient gear.

Bloom Diva, Bloom Prima and the non Melodious ed monsters weren't summoned once. Solo was something I considered as well but I simply didn't need the extra consistency.

This was the most fun I had with the game in months!

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