Notes & Combos
Climb to Master 1 was pretty interesting, got to M2 with the previous list and due to certain unfortune events i may have scuba´d back to M5, hence i decided to change things up and go back to a bit more standard list. Friendship with Spoly and Decklockdown ended, Retaliating C is my new best friend, the card performed EXTREMELY well, single handedly winning me games, bonus points for being usualy going first aswell.
I considered dropping rabbit+ anguish pattern for a bit but its just way too good when you dont get handtrapped turn 1.
If there are any questions thoughts about the decklist let me know c:
I managed to record roughly 80% of the games after dropping back to M5, had to split them into 2 seperate Videos but here we go: M5 - M3 :