Notes & Combos
Definitely not the best deck overall, but it's the best deck for ranked duels. Do you win the coin? Go second and let the others tenpai play first. Do you lose your coin? You have to see 10 15 minutes of snake eyes/azamina/fiendsmith combo. To avoid this, the deck is full of HT, maxx "c" minigames with the mulcharmys and let's gooo.
GOLD SARC BUILD (First of all, credit to @Karma from which i took inspiration
- PRO:
1 cc: gold sarcofagus eff ban blaster and then get genroku, ss genroku, eff genroku ss paidra and do the tenpai stuff.
full "perfect" combo: get genroku SS genroku as a lv4 tuner, normal summon any lv3 tenpai/dragon and synchro sum bident then bident eff to SS genroku, second eff of genroku to SS paidra,and then search the field spell. Synchro sum the lv 10 sangenpai trascendent bla bla bla, sangen summoning effect to search chundra and SS Chundra. Finally go into BP and win. Doing this combo allows your dragons to be immune to anything in MP1 and BP. You can also do this combo by normal summon dora dora and adding genroku in your hand.
- CON:
if you have blaster in your hand it's over xD and it happened to me several times to have both him and gold sarc in my hand... in that case only droplets or draws with HTS can save you hahaha However, there are many games in which Gold Sarc solved the game for me by allowing you to have a "free" SS by taking Genroku or other Tenpai if necessary.
CONCLUSION: For me it's worth taking the risk of bricking to have more consistency and firepower.
The deck itself is not very difficult and many wins are equal to each other, so stopping the opponent or breaking the board, as long as the opponent does not quit first. The replays I saved are the ones that are a bit more challenging.