Notes & Combos
90% of the decks I faced during the climb to Master 1 were Snake-Eye/White-Woods/Yubel. Which in either case, omni-negates hit the board early on, and thats if an Unicorn isnt already there to make things worse.
As a blind 2nd Deck and assuming you dont want to play handtraps, you want to see Droplet and Slayer ALL the time. That is why I also took out the Fiendsmith Engine and thinned the deck to 34 with Upstart and Into the Void.
Fuwa/Nibiru barely traded with the opponents Silvia/Ash/CalledBy at best. They felt horrible to draw as your 6th card, and even when fuwa resolved it didn´t feel that good. At least Maxx C stops them completely when it resolves and if they used CalledBy then youre safe during your own turn from getting roached. That is why I opted out on playing those two. The worse part about it is having less monsters to pitch with droplet.
To my surprise, Vesper Girsu came in clutch many times but I couldnt allow myself to play more copies since you can only use it once per turn, you can´t search it with Thrust and it is also useless against some boards. Very similar to Book of Eclipse
The only thing I would maybe change from the main deck would be Raigeki or the third Thrust for a 5th Striker tool like Jamming Waves or a 2nd copy of Afterburners/Shark Cannon/Widow Anchor
As for the extra deck, everything came up regularly except Hayate. It is mainly there for when you only have 2 spells in grave and you got Drones and Engage in your hand. Could be replaced by Ferrijit or a lvl 7 Synchro.
Main weaknesses of this deck are Stun players, Kashtira, Droll and going 1st.
Rookie and returner campaign code 3a1f47bf :)