Notes & Combos
Im only going to cover the changes from my M5 list to this one.
Added in Dharc over Goddess as having a Link 2 I can make with the tokens was really nice, as well the summon effect came up sometimes.
Added in Crossout + Maxx C, never drew Crossout and only drew Maxx C once
Played a second TBGL and cut the other parts of the package, I just wanted to sqeeze in the Maxx C and Crossout, and I wanted to open a trap as opposed to DRNM going first.
Overall the deck was quite good, I was able to consistantly play through multiple HTs going first and construct a winning field. Tenpai was pretty much free a lot of the time as long as they didn't open Maxx C, Shifter or Droplet. Other decks I was sometimes able to just push through the Field going second with engine alone, but I often needed 1 piece of non-engine. The deck commonly opens like 1-2 bricks every hand, however only 1 is a garnet so its often "fine".
I don't think I'm going to climb with SE again, at least until something major gets added to it. Unsure of what variant to play next though.
Nov of this year replays