Notes & Combos
Welcome to fiendsmith era guys!
Started with FKSE but easily got bored with it already but Fiendsmith quickly revived my interest in trying out Yubel again, and it was...ok I guess. The trade-off with replacing Anguish/Code Talker with the FS engine is power against recursion and negates. Plus my opponents scoop it up when they stop my yubel plays but I use my FS engine afterwards, even though sometimes it will result in "just" a High Caesar.
A big difference to most Yubel FS is I used Almiraj at my rank up matches to M5, as people are now brazen in imperming dbb even when I have already have Opening on field, and preventing me from summoning Lotus. So I replaced Desirae (which I never got to summon anyway) with Almiraj and it won me 2 matches easily.
All in all, this meta is shaping up to be more exciting and more frustrating ofc. Thank the heavens we will see 33% less of the abominable roach on our matches.
interpersed with some branded and fkse, hope you enjoy even a bit. cheers.