Weather Painter

Win Streaks from on February 14th, 2025
cp-ur 660 + cp-sr 630
40 cards

Notes & Combos

If you hit your head against a wall long enough, it can break before your head does - Confusius, long ago

Welcome once again to "Holy smoke the kitchen is on fire once more", and after a long grind for is Weather Fiendsmith

Why does this deck exist

Fiendsmith go brrrr (and why not)

How does it work ?

  • Plan A : get Engraver, full combo into Desirae or Caesar (mostly desirae but Caesar is a good backup plan if you get interupted on the link 2)
  • Plan B : get tract and any other monster or the QE Spell, full combo into Desirae
  • Plan C : get 2 body, for Djinn (its a light fiend), to full combo into Desirae AGAIN
  • Plan D : if you hard open a full 3 card combo weather, go for it

Tech and discussion

  • Droll is a must have, so much meta deck die to it, best timing are on Bonefire/Wanted/Ash add Poplar
  • D.D. crow doesnt need to be presented, interupt Aza spell coming back, interupt FS combo, the goat
  • Yes, we do run the QE Fiendsmith spell at 3 while Tract is at 2, and here is why : Its another way to get a light fiend on field, BUT it cannot get ash and dont proc Droll, so overall free body with no counter part (and as a set it can help defend from an direct attack). It's a good target if you open both Tract and Engraver, and dw i was a big hater of the card but forced to say it aint bad (ITS NOT A 1 CARD COMBO BE CAREFULL, it's a good extender).
  • Cross out got a new dimension, as close to EVERYONE play the FS engine, you can just cross out like Engraver and you will be fine.
  • Avramax doesnt need presentation, any link 3 weather + a fiendsmith fusion or TY-PHOON if you get to wait a turn can do the trick, can clear specific tower you might maybe face.

No replays ?

I might have stole the winstreak to 2 Hard openned MaxxC with good draw, 2 surrend when i get to go first and activate tract, and 1 game where it was two donkeys missplaying every single card (i was one of them ofc) so not interesting overall.

Final words on the Deck

Ofc i did play a lot this deck on sim before hand, ratios are clean; the deck aint meta relevant or anything, but if you want to turbo FS with weather....i cant think of any better, and on good hands (like Field Spell, Snow, Any canvas, Any FS card, call by/Ash) you can end on VERY VERY solid board with 3 omni and can eat a disruption.

Carefull, you can HARD BRICK too, but its less likely overall.

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